September 16, 2004


The Grand Festival of Autumnal Happiness is currently in it's fifth year. This festival was created to provide performance situations for our friends who we hope others will enjoy as much as we do in a time of year that can sometimes use a little spiritual lift. Curators Rob Clutton and Tim Posgate have chosen this years lineup and are excited that all the artists are available and interested in being part of this year's festival.

The festival has had a few different locations over the years including C'est What and Revival. This year's location is the New Work Studio at 319 Spadina Ave. Thanks to Mike Hansen for his committment to this festival and to Toronto's creative music scene.

Other special people involved with this festival have been Greg Davis at Soundscapes for being both one of our earlier and most consistent sponsors, and Ron Gaskin and Rough Idea.

All shows start at approximately 9pm (second set approximately one hour later) cover is $8, 6 for artists and students.

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